Does Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) threaten States’ regulatory autonomy? Fact-checking a commonplace of the TTIP debate
Filippo Fontanelli, University of Edinburgh «That’s right: a company was able to sue a country over a public health measure, through an international court [sic]. How the **** is that possible? (laughs from the audience)»(from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, 14 February 2015. See the video here, the bit
Il TTIP e la risoluzione delle controversie tra investitore e Stato: ipocrisia, schizofrenia o preoccupazioni giustificate?
Luca Pantaleo è Senior Researcher (Postdoc) all’Université du Luxembourg La recente pubblicazione, da parte della Commissione europea, dei documenti relativi all’esito delle consultazioni pubbliche, lanciate su iniziativa della stessa, concernenti il meccanismo di risoluzione delle controversie tra investitore e Stato (ISDS) previsto dal Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (meglio noto
International Regulatory Cooperation and its discontents: What is really at stake in TTIP?
Alberto Alemanno is Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law at HEC Paris and Global Clinical Professor at New York University School of Law In the current stage of European political integration, very few subjects are capable of crossing the national borders and prompt a genuine pan-European public debate. Since the
The Paradox of Transparency: The Politics of Regulatory Cooperation in the TTIP Negotiation
Fernanda G. Nicola is Professor of Law at the American University, Washington College of Law and Director of the Program on International Organizations, Law and Diplomacy On both sides of the Atlantic, EU and US negotiators have continuously strived to achieve greater transparency in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership