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Stickydiritto internazionale pubblico

Martina Sardo (Università di Palermo) 1. Da anni ormai, gli Stati dell’oceano Pacifico, più di altri, sperimentano gli effetti negativi del cambiamento climatico, e dell’innalzamento del livello del mare in particolare. I recenti studi scientifici lasciano pochi dubbi sulle conseguenze devastanti che – nel breve e lungo termine – l’innalzamento dei

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diritto internazionale pubblico

On 14 November, the International Labour Organization (ILO) requested an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the interpretation of ILO Convention No. 87 with respect to the right to strike (see the ILO’s and the ICJ’s websites).

Beneath its technical formulation (‘Request for Advisory Opinion pursuant to Resolution Adopted by the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization at its 349th bis (Special Session)’), the move represents more than a search for a non-binding interpretation of an international treaty. As will be shown, this request is an urgent demand for solving a dispute between the non-governmental constituents of the ILO, on the right to strike, that is blocking the functioning of the Organization, through a pronouncement which is understood to be binding under ILO law.

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Stickydiritto dell'Unione europeadiritto internazionale pubblico

Daniele Mandrioli (Università degli Studi di Milano, Membro della Redazione) A fronte del crescente numero di sbarchi di persone migranti all’interno del nostro Paese, ancor prima della chiusura del tanto discusso Protocollo in materia migratoria con l’Albania (sul punto vedi Spagnolo), il Consiglio dei Ministri ha emanato un (ennesimo) decreto

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diritto dell'Unione europea

On the 6th of November 2023, the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, issued a press release announcing the conclusion of a Protocol to examine asylum applications in Albania.
This analysis will therefore first clarify how it differs from other externalisation practices, and then examine whether offshore processing is allowed under EU asylum law, bearing in mind that the precise details relating to the application of the Protocol have not yet been made public, and will most likely require the passing of an implementing decree.

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