diritto internazionale pubblico

Filippo Fontanelli, University of Edinburgh «That’s right: a company was able to sue a country over a public health measure, through an international court [sic]. How the **** is that possible? (laughs from the audience)»(from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, 14 February 2015. See the video here, the bit

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diritto internazionale pubblico

Massimo Starita, Università di Palermo 1. Il 14 febbraio scorso, a mezzanotte, è entrato in vigore in Ucraina il cessate il fuoco previsto al primo punto di un accordo siglato a Minsk due giorni prima, recante il titolo «Pacchetto di misure per l’esecuzione degli accordi di Minsk del 5 e 19

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diritto dell'Unione europea

François-Xavier Millet is Professor of Public Law at the University of the French West Indies (CAGI-CRPLC Guadeloupe; IRDEIC Toulouse)   Are there several categories of French citizens, namely those who got citizenship by birth and those who acquired it later? In other words, are there first-class citizens, enjoying all the

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