Francesco Costamagna
Francesco Costamagna è professore ordinario di diritto dell’Unione europea presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Torino. Ha fatto parte del Center for Transnational Legal Studies (Georgetown University), è stato Guest Professor alla Goethe University Frankfurt ed è Visiting Professor at the Law School of SciencesPo Paris e alla KU Leuven. Inoltre, è esperto nazionale in MoveS (Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination), un network finanziato dalla Commissione europea, ed è Research Affiliate presso l’Erasmus Center for Economic and Financial Governance dell’Università di Rotterdam e presso il Bocconi Lab for European Studies. I suoi interessi di ricerca vertono sul rapporto tra dimensione economica e dimensione sociale del processo di integrazione europea.
Francesco Costamagna is Professor of European Union Law at the Department of Law, University of Turin. He has been a member of the Center for Transnational Legal Studies (Georgetown University), was Guest Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt and is Visiting Professor at the Law School of SciencesPo Paris and at KU Leuven University. In addition, he is a National Expert in MoveS (Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination), a network funded by the European Commission, and a Research Affiliate at the Erasmus Center for Economic and Financial Governance at the University of Rotterdam and at the Bocconi Lab for European Studies. His research interests focus on the relationship between the economic and social dimensions of the European integration process.